Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Monday in Las Vegas

Kyung, Jenn


Okay, here goes.

I've decided to actually start a real blog. I am inspired by a discussion with Scott Campbell about how he decided to go ahead and create a daily cartoon for his company's website. Cool idea. I especially admired his comment about not caring if it was funny and stuff. I guess you have to practice anything if you're going to get good at it.

Anyway, I'm in Las Vegas, I've been hanging out here with all of the San Diego refugees escaping joblessness and outrageous housing prices. It's been tons of fun. Saturday was Doug and Mae's birthday party, which was kind of a west region reunion for me. My date Jill made me dance; I was reluctant at first but it was a good push and I had a good time. Actually I was a little sore later that night. I guess I don't use my dancing muscles very often.

Sunday, church was good; there was a great testimony from a woman and her step-father, focused on forgiveness. It was quite moving. Ish shared some scriptures continuing along that line. Overall I was impressed with the sincerity of the speakers and the heart shown by everyone. Ish seems to improve a lot every time I hear him speak also. And of course he is as expressive as ever. After church I spent time with the Trianas. They fed me well and I afterwards I took a little power nap. Ben is huge now, but he wasn't feeling well; Sophia was teasing her sister Sonia and had to get ... disciplined; Sonia was trying to be a little rascal too. Cutest kids. I was going to try to make the second service in the afternoon but the Trianas live so far out in the boonies, by the time we got there everyone was gone.

Today I spent time with James Counts, did the usual computer tech stuff, finished up his game of Go Fish with Kobi. He's getting huge too. Hard to believe he's in kindergarten.

I did dinner with Catherine Vizcarra too, and her boyfriend Bob. He seems like a really nice guy; certainly different than what I pictured. Well, I guess I don't know what I pictured. Anyway, it was great to catch up and laugh and get filled in on new stuff in her life. Sounds like her church involvement is going well, and her relationships with her family members are going much better.

Well that's a lot of facts. This blog thing will take some getting used to. Maybe I'll get to my other ideas tomorrow. Here are some more pictures on Ofoto.

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