Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fast Make for Vim

2019-02-12 update - Added g:Make_quickfix_always_open option.

2014-05-18 update - This is now vim-make on GitHub.

I wasn't really satisfied with Vim's :make behavior so I wrote a script to do what I wanted.
  • Saves buffer first
  • If there are errors, show them in the quickfix window
  • Success is reported in the status bar
  • Saves some keystrokes, especially if mapped to F5
Here it is. You can put it in ~/.vim/plugin/Make.vim, or if you are using pathogen, ~/.vim/bundle/Make/plugin/Make.vim.

This is basically my first Vim plugin so please let me know if there are things I could improve.

" File: Make.vim
" Author: Victor Shih <>
" Last Change: 2/11/2019
" Version: 0.02
" WebPage:
" Description: Modestly enhanced `make` for Vim.

function! Make(args)
  " Compile arguments.
  let l:args = strlen(a:args) ? ' ' . a:args : ''
  let l:title = expand('%') . ' - Make' . l:args

  " Force write.
  silent update!

  " Find the closest directory to the current file with a [Mm]akefile.
  let l:makefile_dir = s:find_makefile_dir()

  " Move to that directory and make.
  let l:out = split(system('cd ' . l:makefile_dir . ' && make' . l:args)"\n")
  let l:len = len(l:out)

  " Output to quickfix.
  cgetexpr l:out
  let w:quickfix_title = l:title

  if g:Make_quickfix_always_open == 1 || l:len > 1
    cc 1
  elseif l:len == 0
    " No output; just report success.
    echo l:title . ' succeeded'
    " Output is a single line; echo it.
    cc 1
    echo l:out[0]

function s:find_makefile_dir()
  let l:dir = expand('%:p:h')

  while 1
    " Ensure we have only one '/'.
    if !empty(glob(substitute(l:dir, '/$''''') . '/[Mm]akefile'))
      return l:dir
      let l:parent = fnamemodify(l:dir, ':h')
      if l:parent ==# l:dir
        " We reached the root but didn't find a Makefile.
        return '.'

      let l:dir = l:parent

" Register command.
command-nargs=? Make call Make("<args>")

let g:Make_quickfix_always_open = get(g:, 'Make_quickfix_always_open''0')
let g:Make_loaded = 1