Sunday, April 25, 2010

Keyboard Shortcuts for Facebook Photo Tagging

Finally got around to tagging some photos in Facebook. I probably would not have bothered, had gleeBox not made it a bit tolerable by providing some form of keyboard shortcuts for the process:
  • Created an "ESP vision" for the Page URL
    with the jQuery selector

  • Changed my "Shortcut to launch gleeBox" to ";"

This allows tagging to go as follows:
  • Navigate to a Facebook photo album

  • Press ;<ENTER> with left hand to enter tagging mode

  • Tag at will

  • Press ;<ENTER> again to leave tagging mode

  • Left-click photo to move to the next photo

With the target crosshairs, it's about as close to an FPS you can get.

7/24/10 Update: Updated to skip new "Share" link.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mac Remote Desktop Connection Keyboard Shortcuts

To send the three-finger salute, Ctrl+Alt+Del, to a Windows box when you are connected using a Mac via Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection, try Ctrl+Option+Delete (backspace).

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Edit "Save Password" Exceptions in Google Chrome for Mac OS X

If you're a Google Chrome for Mac OS X user and you've ever hit "Never for this site" by accident (or have girlfriend who does so consistently), it's a little tricky finding out how to edit these "Save Password" exceptions. It's pretty clear for Windows' Chrome:

but I had trouble finding a solution for the Mac. A little snooping reveals that Chrome keeps its login information in a SQLite database file:
~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Login Data
To remove an entry from the exception list, do the following:
  1. Shut down Chrome

  2. Probably a good idea to make a backup of the database file

  3. Open the database file in a SQLite database browser; I use SQLite Database Browser

  4. Select the "Browse Data" tab

  5. Sites for which "Never for this Site" has been selected will have the value 1 for the column blacklisted_by_user. Double-click the desired cell, change the value to 0, and click "Apply Changes"

  6. Save and close the database file

  7. Restart Chrome