Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Shortcut to Toggle Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar (like Chrome)

One of the things I've really liked about Google Chrome is the ability to toggle the bookmarks toolbar with a quick Ctrl+B. I hunted around for this ability in Firefox but it took a little finagling -- here's the how-to:

  • Install Keyconfig.

  • Open Keyconfig's configuration dialog via "Tools | Keyconfig..." or Ctrl+Shift+F12.

  • If you want to use Ctrl+B to toggle the Bookmarks Toolbar, first disable the default association to "Bookmarks" by selecting it and clicking the "Disable" button.

  • Click the "Add a new key" button and fill out the form using the following:

    • Name:   Toggle Bookmarks Toolbar

    • Code:
      var b = document.getElementById('PersonalToolbar');
      b.collapsed = !b.collapsed;

  • Click "OK."

  • Select your new key, select the text field, type your desired shortcut (Ctrl+B, for example), and click "Apply."

Your shortcut will be active in the next window opened. Yay nerdiness!

Another key I've added is a shortcut to toggle the status bar. Here's the code:
var s = document.getElementById('status-bar');
s.hidden = !s.hidden;